Those Who Care

If you really care for your friends and family, you will prepare yourself to care for your own needs and have a little extra for those less fortunate.

Tuesday, July 26, 2011

On Thing Leads to Another

Have you ever started a simple project and found yourself knee deep in something larger?  Well, that was us.  It started simple enough, we just wanted to steam clean the carpets.  As anyone who has lived in an RV knows, carpets are a bug-a-boo.  No matter what precautions you take, the carpets soon look dirty, ratty and worn.  So we rented a fantastic (the best we've ever used: The Carpet Butler) steam cleaner.  We figured just a few hours, since there is so little carpet.  Of course there was the initial moving of furniture and items that spend their lives on the floor, and then vacuuming the carpet and then, oh dear, maybe a little more spot cleaning than we'd figured on and whoops there are some repairs we need to make and then, by golly, since everything is out of the way we might as well clean the woodwork.  After that, of course, the windows and then the inside of the cupboards and might as well just do the fall cleaning now as it feels like fall anyway (38 degrees this morning).  So what was a morning's work is still being finished.

Every few months we routinely go thru what we have and attempted to elimate the clutter and excess.  We enjoy garage sales and thrift stores because we can often find wonderful buys for our prepping but, things can get a bit cluttered.  Our rule is: if something comes in, then something has to go out!  However, at times we get a little behind on the getting out part.  Especially in the clothes department.  Good buys are good buys and clothes do wear out but we only have so much room.  The clothes wear out a bit faster because we can't have too many.  Of necessity we have to wear and wash them more often which, of course, wears them out faster.  We are closer to being done now however and are glad we did it while it was still hot enough to dry the carpets quickly.

Yesterday I made a meatloaf in the sun oven.  It was great, not at all dry and since I let the oven get up to 375 F before I added the meat, it never got below the 350F needed to cook the meatloaf.  So it was done in only an hour and very moist.  I may never cook a meatloaf in a regular oven again.

Have a great day!

1 comment:

  1. I'm finding your blog very helpful since we are full-timing and also interested in prepping. It's challenging. Thanks for taking the time to post useful info. It's also nice to know the choices I have made so far are sound because they are similar to a lot of yours. :)
